로그인정보 입력 영역



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새로나온 책





피노키오 : 중학교 영어로 다시 읽는 세계명작 New collection 15 (커버이미지)
피노키오 : 중학교 영어로 다시 읽는 세계명작 New collection 15
  • 평점평점점평가없음
  • 저자카를로 콜로디 
  • 출판사"넥서스" 
  • 출판일2013-10-25 
보유 5, 대출 0, 예약 0, 누적대출 0, 누적예약 0


 Chapter 01 Master Cherry finds a piece of wood that weeps and laughsChapter 03 Geppetto makes the Marionette and calls it PinocchioChapter 05 Pinocchio is hungry and tries to cook himself an omeletChapter 07 Geppetto returns homeChapter 09 Pinocchio sells his A-B-C bookChapter 11 The Director sneezes and forgives PinocchioChapter 13 The Inn of the Red CrayfishChapter 15 The Assassins catch PinocchioChapter 17 Pinocchio eats sugar, but refuses to take medicineChapter 19 Pinocchio is robbed of his gold piecesChapter 21 Pinocchio is used as a watchdogChapter 23 Pinocchio learns that the Fairy with Turquoise Hair is deadChapter 25 Pinocchio promises the Fairy to be goodChapter 27 Pinocchio is arrestedChapter 29 Pinocchio returns to the Fairy’s houseChapter 31 After five months of play, Pinocchio wakes up to a great surpriseChapter 33 Pinocchio is sold to a circusChapter 35 Pinocchio is reunited with Geppetto


이탈리아에서 태어났으며 본명은 카를로 로렌치니입니다. 1880년 어린이 잡지에 꼭두각시 인형의 이야기를 연재했는데, 폭발적인 인기에 힘입어 피노키오의 모험이란 동화책으로 출간하게 되었습니다. 나무인형 피노키오 이야기는 현재까지 70여 개의 언어로 번역되었고, 어린이들은 물론 나이 많은 할아버지 할머니도 즐겨 읽는 그림동화의 대표작입니다.


Chapter 01 Master Cherry finds a piece of wood that weeps and laughsChapter 03 Geppetto makes the Marionette and calls it PinocchioChapter 05 Pinocchio is hungry and tries to cook himself an omeletChapter 07 Geppetto returns homeChapter 09 Pinocchio sells his A-B-C bookChapter 11 The Director sneezes and forgives PinocchioChapter 13 The Inn of the Red CrayfishChapter 15 The Assassins catch PinocchioChapter 17 Pinocchio eats sugar, but refuses to take medicineChapter 19 Pinocchio is robbed of his gold piecesChapter 21 Pinocchio is used as a watchdogChapter 23 Pinocchio learns that the Fairy with Turquoise Hair is deadChapter 25 Pinocchio promises the Fairy to be goodChapter 27 Pinocchio is arrestedChapter 29 Pinocchio returns to the Fairy’s houseChapter 31 After five months of play, Pinocchio wakes up to a great surpriseChapter 33 Pinocchio is sold to a circusChapter 35 Pinocchio is reunited with Geppetto

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