알라딘 전자책

BTS and ARMY Culture (커버이미지)

BTS and ARMY Culture


Jeeheng Lee (지은이), Oul Han, Solbee Park (옮긴이)


대출가능 (보유:1, 대출:0)

The book starts from the awareness that we need critical discourses on idol fandom. We need discourses about fandoms because they shape our perception of particular objects, determine evaluations, and influence behavior. Idol fandoms are shrouded in prejudices that envisage troops of female fans who are hell-bent on defending their male star, female fans who are crazily obsessed with a male star, and cult-like hordes of young and immature girls. While the history of idol fandoms is already over 20 years old, and despite the progressed maturity and transformation of fandom culture, the prejudices remain and stem largely from society’s rigid views on women, teenagers, and consumer culture. Hopefully, this book’s careful observations of the dynamics inside the fandom will underline that it’s time to remove the shallow stigmas that were attached to idol fandoms, and invite insightful criticism and assessment by reasoning. Lastly, to the fans who accepted me?an Aca-Fan?as a member of the fervent and dynamic world of ARMY, I send my gratitude in the words of cultural studies scholar Henry Jenkins:

And most of what I am writing about here I know from the inside out.

ARMY is the wings of BTS. This fandom, which was even addressed by the Korean President in his congratulatory message, is a cultural agent and the most powerful consumer base in history. This book comprehensively analyzes ARMY for those who are curious about who they are, what they do, and how. By recording the activities of ARMYs that turned the Korean idol group BTS into artists with the largest global influence in social and cultural terms, this book offers detailed insight to all readers who wish to understand ARMY as well as the rapidly shifting present times.
- Jeeyoung Lee, Visiting Professor at Daeyang Humanity College, Sejong University, author of the book “BTS Art Revolution”

Whenever BTS achieves amazing records and adorns the news, people ask: What in the world is different about BTS? If I had to pick only one answer to this question, I would have to mention BTS’ fandom ARMY without a doubt. ARMY keeps breaking one prejudice about idol fandoms after another, and is in the course of creating an entirely new fandom culture. This book is a serious yet loving critique about ARMY. The author, who is a cultural scholar as well as a great admirer of BTS, is meticulous and transparent in showing us the process of how BTS and ARMY influence each other, grow together, and evolve side by side. This process is sometimes surprising, even touching.
-Chang-nam Kim, Professor of Journalism and Media/ Graduate School of Cultural Studies, SungKongHoe University, Jury Chair of the Korean Music Awards


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