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코카인과 그 치료제 (Coca and its Therapeutic Application, by Angelo Mariani) (커버이미지)

코카인과 그 치료제 (Coca and its Therapeutic Application, by Angelo Mariani)


A Mariani


대출가능 (보유:1, 대출:0)

Coca and its <br/>Therapeutic Application<br/>, Third Edition, by Angelo Mariani <br/>Coca and its Therapeutic Application, Third Edition<br/>Author: Angelo Mariani <br/>"BRAIN REST."<br/>By J. LEONARD CORNING, M.D., New York. <br/>Published by G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS. <br/>"The preparation of Coca known as 'Vin Mariani' is the one <br/>to which I resort in meeting the exigencies incident to <br/>excessive and habitual worry and functional brain trouble. <br/>"Of 'Vin Mariani' I need hardly speak, as the medical <br/>profession is already well aware of its virtues. Of all tonic <br/>preparations ever introduced to the notice of the profession, <br/>this is undoubtedly the most potent for good in the <br/>treatment of exhaustive and irritative conditions of the <br/>central nervous system. <br/>"Mr. Angelo Mariani has spent many years in the careful <br/>study of the Coca plant, and as a result his preparations are <br/>unrivaled. The medical profession certainly owes a debt of <br/>gratitude to this gentleman for his valuable labors in this <br/>direction."


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