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흑사병 역병에 관한 좋은 조언자문 (The Book of Good Councell against the plague, by Anonymous) (커버이미지)

흑사병 역병에 관한 좋은 조언자문 (The Book of Good Councell against the plague, by Anonymous)




대출가능 (보유:1, 대출:0)

흑사병 역병에 관한 좋은 조언자문.The Book of Good Councell against the plague, by Anonymous
To the Reader.
or as much as the force and
enfection of the ordenarye disease, called the
Plague or pestilence, hath heeretofore beene too
well knowne and felt, in sundry places of this
Realme: and considering, that it hath of late
begun to increase in sundry chiefe citties &
populous places; I thought it good to publish to
you in time, sundry preseruatiues against the
said disease, the better to defend those that are
in health, from the infection of the diseased. And
also to cure those that are any way infected,
grieued, or troubled with the same. And to this I
was imboldned, the rather for that it was written
by a very learned and approoued Phisition, of
our time, who desireth more the health of hys
Countrey, than by discocouering 2 his name,
seeme vaine- glorious to the world. Accept this
same I pray you in good part, and thanke God
for the Phisitions paynes, who hath his desire, if
it may doe but that which hee wisheth: namely to
expell sicknes, and encrease health to this Land.
Which God for his mercie sake, prosper and
preserue from all plagues and daungers, for
euermore. Amen.


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