
- 평점평점점평가없음
- 저자Peter Lee
- 출판사"푸른나무"
- 출판일2009-06-22
- 등록일2020-05-07
- 파일포맷IMAGE
- 파일크기30 K
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PCPHONETABLET 프로그램 수동설치전자책 프로그램 수동설치 안내
아이폰, 아이패드, 안드로이드, 태블릿, PC
Ⅰ.The Structure of the Earth 01 The Earths Atmosphere Layers of the Atomosphere Atmospheric Gases Energy in the Atomosphere Global Warming 02 The Interior Structure of the EarthⅡ. Light 01 Visible Light 02 The Laws of Reflection of Light Diffuse and Regular Reflection 03 Refraction of Light Speed of Light and Density of Medium Lenses Total Internal Reflection Fiber Optics 04 Dispersion of LightⅢ. Materials of the Lithosphere 01 Rock-forming Minerals in the Earths Crust 02 Rocks 03 Changes in the Earths Surface Weathering Soil Formation Slope and Mass Movement 04 River Transportation Erosion Effects of Erosion: V-Shaped Valleys Deposition Effects of Deposition Meanders, Point Bars, and Oxbow Lakes Underground Erosion and Deposition 05 Glacier Forming Glacier Glacial Erosion 06 Deserts and Wind Wind Transportation Processes Wind Erosion Deposition 07 Coasts Wave Wave Refraction Beaches Erosion LandformsⅣ. States of Matter and Motion of Particles 01 Phase Transition 02 Kinetic Particle Theory of Matter 03 Types of Phase Transition Expansion of Solids Expansion of Liquids 04 Motion of particles and Diffusion 05 Pressure, Volume, and Temperature of Gases Definition and Unit of Pressure Gaseous Pressure Charles LawⅤ. Cells: The Basic Blocks of Life 01 Structure and Function of a Cell Nucleus Cytoplasm Cell Membrane Microscopes 02 Specialized Cells, Tissues, Organs, and SystemsⅥ. Digestive and Circulatory Systems 01 Nutrients in Food 02 The Digestive System Nutrition in Human Body Mouth and Oral Cavity The Pharynx The Gullet The Stomach Gland Organs of the Liver The Pancreas Digestion in the Small Intestine Absorbing Digested Food Products Large Intestine 03 The Circulatory System Transport Function of Blood The Structure and Composition of Blood Blood CirculationⅦ. Respiratory and Excretory Systems 01 The Respiratory System Why Do Living Organisms Respire? Breathing Organs Breathing Mechanisms 02 The Excretory System The Mammalian Urinary System The Formation of UrineⅧ. Force 01 Types of Force Elasticity Friction Magnetism Electric Force Gravity Differences between Weight and Mass 02 Measurement of Force 03 Net Force Ⅸ. Composition and Movement of Seawater 01 Composition of Seawater Salinity Chemical Composition of Salinity 02 Movement of Seawater Ocean Current TideⅩ. Wave 01 Generation of Waves Transverse and Longitudinal Waves Terms of Waves 02 Sound Waves Sound Waves and Air Particles Pitch and Frequency Loudness and Amplitude Reflection of Sound Waves