
미국교과서 읽는 리딩 Easy 1 (교재 + 워크북) - 초.중학생용(초급과정) (커버이미지)
미국교과서 읽는 리딩 Easy 1 (교재 + 워크북) - 초.중학생용(초급과정)
  • 평점평점점평가없음
  • 저자Michael A. Putlack, e-Creative Contents (지은이) 
  • 출판사키출판사 
  • 출판일2010-04-12 
보유 1, 대출 0, 예약 0, 누적대출 0, 누적예약 0


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[미국교과서 읽는 리딩 Easy 1]

Chapter 1 Social Studies · History and Geography

Theme: School Life

Unit 01 Our Day at School

Unit 02 School Rules

Theme: Our Community

Unit 03 Welcome to My Community

Unit 04 Being a Good Citizen

Vocabulary Review 1

Theme: Different Cultures and Holidays

Unit 05 Celebrating Holidays

Unit 06 Holiday Traditions

Theme: Explore the United States

Unit 07 America’s Symbols

Unit 08 National Flags

Vocabulary Review 2

Theme: America’s Capital

Unit 09 America’s Capital

Unit 10 Washington, D.C.

Theme: Land and Water

Unit 11 Our Land and Water

Unit 12 Where in the World Do We Live?

Vocabulary Review 3 36

Wrap-Up Test 1 38

Chapter 2 Science

Theme: Learning about Plants

Unit 13 Parts of Plants

Unit 14 What Do Plants Need?

Theme: Animals and Their Homes

Unit 15 Where Do Animals Live?

Unit 16 Water Habitats

Vocabulary Review

heme: Weather and Seasons

Unit 17 Weather

Unit 18 The Four Seasons

Theme: The Sky Above

Unit 19 What Can You See in the Sky?

Unit 20 What Causes Day and Night?

Vocabulary Review 5

Theme: How Can Matter Change?

Unit 21 Solids, Liquids, and Gases

Unit 22 The Water Cycle

Theme: Human Body

Unit 23 Your Body

Unit 24 The Systems of Your Body

Vocabulary Review 6

Wrap-Up Test 2

Chapter 3 Mathematics · Language · Visual Arts · Music

Theme: Shapes and Figures

Unit 25 Shapes and Figures

Unit 26 What Am I?

Theme: Numbers and Counting

Unit 27 Counting Numbers

Unit 28 Comparing Numbers

Vocabulary Review 7

Theme: Language Arts

Unit 29 Being a Good Writer

Unit 30 Writing Friendly Letters

Theme: Reading Stories

Unit 31 Aesop’s Fables

Unit 32 The Ant and the Grasshopper

Vocabulary Review 8

Theme: A World of Paintings

Unit 33 Kinds of Paintings

Unit 34 Painting and Drawing Materials

Theme: A World of Music

Unit 35 Musical Instruments

Unit 36 The Orchestra

Vocabulary Review 9

Wrap-Up Test 3

●. Answers and Translations

●. Word List

[미국교과서 읽는 리딩 Easy 2]

Chapter 1 Social Studies ?.History and Geography

Theme: Building Citizenship

Unit 01 Building Citizenship 8

Unit 02 Different Kinds of Communities 10

Theme: Community Laws and Leaders

Unit 03 The Leaders of Government 12

Unit 04 Martin Luther King, Jr. 14

Vocabulary Review 1 16

Theme: Lots of Jobs

Unit 05 Many Jobs 18

Unit 06 Volunteers and Community Jobs 20

Theme: Maps and Directions

Unit 07 What Is a Map? 22

Unit 08 Maps and Directions 24

Vocabulary Review 2 26

Theme: Our Earth and Its Resources

Unit 09 Natural Resources 28

Unit 10 Caring for Our Resources 30

Theme: Native Americans and Their Culture

Unit 11 Native Americans 32

Unit 12 Early American Empires 34

Vocabulary Review 3 36

Wrap-Up Test 1 38

Chapter 2 Science

Theme: Living and Nonliving Things

Unit 13 What Are Living Things? 40

Unit 14 How Do Living Things Survive in the Cold? 42

Theme: A World of Plants

Unit 15 How Do Plants Grow and Change? 44

Unit 16 How Do Plants Survive in the Desert? 46

Vocabulary Review 4 48

Theme: A World of Animals

Unit 17 Kinds of Animals 50

Unit 18 Insects 52

Theme: The Life Cycle

Unit 19 The Life Cycle of an Animal 54

Unit 20 The Life Cycle of a Frog 56

Vocabulary Review 5 58

Theme: The Food Chain

Unit 21 What Are Food Chains? 60

Unit 22 The Ocean Food Chain 62

Theme: The Solar System

Unit 23 What Is the Solar System? 64

Unit 24 What Causes the Seasons? 66

Vocabulary Review 6 68

Wrap-Up Test 2 70

Chapter 3 Mathematics. Language. Visual Arts. Music

Theme: Addition and Subtraction

Unit 25 Addition and Subtraction 72

Unit 26 Counting Money 74

Theme: Time

Unit 27 Telling Time 76

Unit 28 Reading a Calendar 78

Vocabulary Review 7 80

Theme: Learning about Language

Unit 29 Parts of Speech 82

Unit 30 Contractions and Abbreviations 84

Theme: Types of Writing

Unit 31 Types of Writing 86

Unit 32 The Emperor’s New Clothes 88

Vocabulary Review 8 90

Theme: A World of Paintings

Unit 33 A World of Colors 92

Unit 34 Lines and Shapes 94

Theme: A World of Music

Unit 35 Musicians and Their Instruments 96

Unit 36 Mozart and Beethoven 98

Vocabulary Review 9 100

Wrap-Up Test 3 102

Answers and Translations 104

Word List 116

Workbook for Daily Review

[미국교과서 읽는 리딩 Easy 3]

Chapter 1 Social Studies. History and Geography

Theme: Technology Changes the World

Unit 01 How Transportation Has Changed 8

Unit 02 Inventors and Inventions 10

Theme: Government

Unit 03 Choosing Our Leaders 12

Unit 04 Presidents’ Day in February 14

Vocabulary Review 1 16

Theme: The World around Us

Unit 05 Countries Have Neighbors 18

Unit 06 The Amazon Rainforest 20

Theme: Protecting the Earth

Unit 07 Protecting the Earth 22

Unit 08 The World’s Endangered Animals 24

Vocabulary Review 2 26

Theme: World Religions

Unit 09 World Religions 28

Unit 10 Religious Holidays 30

Theme: Europeans Come to the New World

Unit 11 Early Travelers to America 32

Unit 12 The Pilgrims and Thanksgiving 34

Vocabulary Review 3 36

Wrap-Up Test 1 38

Chapter 2 Science

Theme: Our Earth

Unit 13 Inside the Earth 40

Unit 14 Earthquakes and Volcanoes 42

Theme: The Solar System

Unit 15 Why Does the Moon Seem to Change? 44

Unit 16 The First Man on the Moon 46

Vocabulary Review 4 48

Theme: Electricity

Unit 17 Electricity 50

Unit 18 Conserving Electricity 52

Theme: Motion and Energy

Unit 19 Motion and Forces 54

Unit 20 Magnets 56

Vocabulary Review 5 58

Theme: Sound

Unit 21 What Is Sound? 60

Unit 22 Sounds and Safety 62

Theme: The Human Body

Unit 23 The Organs of the Human Body 64

Unit 24 The Five Senses 66

Vocabulary Review 6 68

Wrap-Up Test 2 70

Chapter 3 Mathematics.Language.Visual Arts.Music

Theme: Numbers and Operations

Unit 25 Word Problems 72

Unit 26 Place Value 74

Theme: Multiplication and Division

Unit 27 Multiplication and Division 76

Unit 28 Skip Counting Equal Groups 78

Vocabulary Review 7 80

Theme: Myths

Unit 29 What Are Myths? 82

Unit 30 Prometheus Brings Fire 84

Theme: Learning about Language

Unit 31 Nouns 86

Unit 32 Some Common Sayings 88

Vocabulary Review 8 90

Theme: Visual Arts

Unit 33 Realistic Art and Abstract Art 92

Unit 34 Picasso and His Work 94

Theme: A World of Music

Unit 35 Many Kinds of Music 96

Unit 36 Modern Music 98

Vocabulary Review 9 100

Wrap-Up Test 3 102

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