
노랑 나비 (The Book of Yellow Butterflies, by Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews) (커버이미지)
노랑 나비 (The Book of Yellow Butterflies, by Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews)
  • 평점평점점평가없음
  • 저자Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews 
  • 출판사뉴가출판사 
  • 출판일2021-10-22 
보유 1, 대출 0, 예약 0, 누적대출 0, 누적예약 0


노랑 나비. The Book of Yellow Butterflies, by Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews

Throughout this story there are sentences and paragraphs quoted, taken bodily from a press account of the coming of the American Unknown Soldier. If other sentences or phrases occur for which proper credit has not been given, it is because the story-teller’s mind was so saturated with the beauty of this account that its wording seemed the inevitable form.
For such borrowed grace the writer offers grateful acknowledgment to the young reporter who, given what is surely the most thrilling episode in all history to write about, has made what has been well-called “the finest bit of newspaper work ever done.” Acknowledgment and thanks to Mr. Kirk Simpson.
Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews.

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