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코세어 해적, 헬게이트의 로맨틱한 전설 (The Book of The corsair : a romantic legend of Hell Gate, by Anonymous) (커버이미지)
코세어 해적, 헬게이트의 로맨틱한 전설 (The Book of The corsair : a romantic legend of Hell Gate, by Anonymous)
  • 평점평점점평가없음
  • 저자Anonymous 
  • 출판사뉴가출판사 
  • 출판일2021-10-27 
보유 1, 대출 0, 예약 0, 누적대출 0, 누적예약 0


코세어 해적, 헬게이트의 로맨틱한 전설. The Book of The corsair : a romantic legend of Hell Gate, by Anonymous
S we have invited the reader to a long Poem, we feel some misgiving in setting before him a lengthy Preface. We will therefore bring to his attention, as an Appendix, the matter intended as an Introduction, thus leaving him free to begin with the Story of the CORSAIR at once, while the former may afterward be read with advantage, should he feel interested in the facts and history of the locality of which it treats. He will also find therein some particulars relating to the leading characters described in the Story. There he will also learn why the Pirate’s daughter became so impressed with fear as the vessel approached the turbulent Strait, whose name, even now, is suggestive of wreck and {4}disaster.

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