
아메리카니즘. 미국적 정신 (The Book of Americanism, by Theodore Roosevelt) (커버이미지)
아메리카니즘. 미국적 정신 (The Book of Americanism, by Theodore Roosevelt)
  • 평점평점점평가없음
  • 저자Theodore Roosevelt 
  • 출판사뉴가출판사 
  • 출판일2022-05-23 
보유 1, 대출 0, 예약 0, 누적대출 0, 누적예약 0


Address delivered before the
Knights of Columbus, Carnegie Hall
Tuesday Evening, October 12, 1915
Four centuries and a quarter have gone by since Columbus by discovering America opened the greatest era in world history. Four centuries have passed since the Spaniards began that colonization on the main land which has resulted in the growth of the nations of Latin-America. Three centuries have passed since, with the settlements on the coasts of Virginia and Massachusetts, the real history of what is now the United States began. All this we ultimately owe to the action of an Italian seaman in the service of a Spanish King and a Spanish Queen. It is eminently fitting that one of the largest and most influential social organizations of this great Republic,―a Republic in which the tongue is English, and the blood derived from many sources should, in its name commemorate the great Italian. It is eminently fitting to make an address on Americanism before this society.

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