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본 IELTS Writing 고득점 공략 - 개정판 (커버이미지)
본 IELTS Writing 고득점 공략 - 개정판
  • 평점평점점평가없음
  • 저자손영화 (지은이) 
  • 출판사지식과감성# 
  • 출판일2014-07-25 
보유 1, 대출 0, 예약 0, 누적대출 1, 누적예약 0


오랫동안 찾아 헤매던 그 책!
IELTS 점수에 목말라 있는 분들에게
“7.0” 그 이상을 만들어 줄 수 있는 IELTS계의 ‘마에스트로’

시험, 격조 높은 에세이, 논문 등을 위한 지침서이기도 했던 이 책은 WIRTING 부분에 있어 고득점 공략을 위하여 보다 전문적인 내용이 담겨있습니다! IELTS의 고득점 공략을 위한 여러분들에게 단비가 되어 줄 이 책은 여러 번의 시행착오를 끝에 전문적인 WIRTING 기술을 습득할 수 있는 내용을 담아내었습니다.
그동안 여러분들의 발목을 잡았던 IELTS! 『본 IELTS WRITING 고득점 공략』을 통해 고득점의 길로 한 발자국 더 다가가길 바랍니다.


고려대를 졸업하고 삼성생명 투융자사업본부에서 융자업무, 미국계 회사 한국 존슨앤존슨 메디칼에서는 영업 및 마케팅 담당으로 일하다가 호주로 유학, UTS에서 정보공학(IT)를 공부했다. 영어에 대한 미련을 떨치지 못하고 호주 시드니에서 본 IELTS 영어전문 학원을 설립, 운영하면서 기초영어와 고급영어를 넘나들며 다양한 수준의 학생들을 가르쳐왔고 이를 통해 축적한 폭넓은 실전 경험을 토대로 연구, 저술에 전념하고 있다.



PART 01 Aging population

1. One of the outstanding changes the society is faced with is a big demographic challenge and the rapid growth in the aging population. What causes it to occur? What can be done to help them to contribute to the society?
2. Respecting older people has been regarded as one of the social virtues. However, insucient respect seems to be given to older people in the society. What do you think the reason is? What problems will it cause to the society?
3. More care seems to be given to the elderly by not their children but healthcare professionals. What is your opinion? What is the situation in your country?

PART 02 Advertising

1. Some people say once the good quality of a product meets consumers’ need,the product would be sold in the market, in which case the dvertising is useless and it is no more than an entertainment. On the other hand, it is said that the advertising is informative. Which do you prefer?
2. There are many advertisements targeting at children such as snacks, toys. Parents claim that it inuences children in the negative way, whereas advertisers say that the advertisement provides good information. What is your opinion?

PART 03 Education

1. Apparently, the globalization has contributed to growth in demand on a foreign language. Some people say the younger learners are, the better it is to learn a language. Do you agree or disagree?
2. Schools assign much more educational resource on the academic subjects than the health education. However, it is claimed that more health education should be given to students. What is your opinion?
3. Children tend to do whatever they want to do, but it is children’s nature. Which is better, to control children’s behavior or to allow them to behave freely?
4. Increasingly, children are enrolled in the nursery school before they attend the primary school in some countries. What is your opinion about the trend?
5. Students are required to acquire the practical skill rather than study traditional subjects for the future. Do you agree or disagree?
6. These days, many teenagers are seen to work part time after school rather than study at the coaching college. Discuss its advantage and disadvantage.

PART 04 Environment

1. A zoo can be a prison to animals rather than a modern day ark for species on the brink of extinction. Thus, it is necessary to abolish the zoo. Do you agree or disagree?
2. The environmental damage is an inevitable consequence of development for improving the standard of living. To what degree do you agree or disagree to this position?
3. Assume the road transportation has taken over the rail service. Is it positive or negative? What is the situation in your country?
4. The government should encourage the manufacturing facilities and business in the urban area to relocate to the rural areas. Do you agree or disagree?
5. Which does international community pursues preserving the environment or economic prot?

PART 05 International Relation

1. Rich countries give nancial support to poor countries, but it does not solve the problem. Thus, rich countries should give other type of aid rather than nancial support. Do you agree or disagree?

PART 06 Life

1. Many people desire to both live a happy life and secure the successful career. What problems are involved in achieving those two? Suggest how to overcome such problem?
2. Beyond a purchasing behavior, shopping has developed in a form of entertainment. What is your opinion? Is it positive or negative?
3. Even family members communicate less with each other than in the past. Do you agree or disagree? What is your opinion?
4. What is advantage and disadvantage of eating the fast food?
5. Flight fare is lower than that of any other travel mode in some countries. Is it a good development? What is your opinion?

PART 07 Society

1. The incomes of some professional sports players or celebrities are much higher than teachers. Do you agree or disagree?
2. Some professionals are seen to look honest. What has caused it? What is the situation in your country?

PART 08 Technology

1. Some people say value of the mobile phone can be maximized in the
professional life. Others say it is more useful in the personal life. Discuss and show your opinion.
2. Some people say that television contributes more than any other modern
inventions to the quality of the life of ordinary people. Do you agree or disagree?
3. T.V and the Internet have brought the drastic change to the society and almost replaced the radio. Consequently, the radio would disappear soon. Do you agree or disagree?

PART 09 Women

1. Unlike in the past, many women are involved in the area where men have been traditionally involved in. What makes the change?
2. The government should responsible to subsidize working mothers and provide them with more availability to childcare service. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

PART 10 Work
1. What is your opinion about self-employment?
2. The change in the work pattern has aected the way people work. onsequently, more workers are seen to increasingly work at home. Discuss its advantage and disadvantage.
3. Many people work away from home for a long period of time. Discuss the
advantage and disadvantage of the distant work.



높은Task 1점수를 얻으려면
Task 1의 일반적인 구성
라인 그래프
파이 그래프
실전연습 1
실전연습 1 리포트 길라잡이
실전연습 1 샘플리포트
실전연습 2
실전연습 2 리포트 길라잡이
실전연습 2 샘플리포트
실전연습 3
실전연습 3 리포트 길라잡이
실전연습 3 샘플리포트
실전연습 4
실전연습 4 리포트 길라잡이
실전연습 4 샘플리포트
실전연습 5
실전연습 5 샘플리포트
실전연습 6
실전연습 6 샘플리포트
실전연습 7
실전연습 7 샘플리포트

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