
TOEFL MAP Speaking Basic (커버이미지)
TOEFL MAP Speaking Basic
  • 평점평점점평가없음
  • 저자Shane Spivey / Jonathan S. McClelland / Michael A. Putlack 
  • 출판사다락원 
  • 출판일2011-03-18 
보유 2, 대출 0, 예약 0, 누적대출 0, 누적예약 0


Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing 각 영역별 3단계로 구성된 TOEFL MAP 시리즈의 Speaking 영역 Basic 단계 학습서. 영어로 쓰인 본 책과 스크립트 & 모범 답안이 들어있는 정답지, 그리고 MP3 & Test Program CD 등으로 구성되어 있다. 실전 토플 60점 이상을 목표로 하는 초중급 학습자를 위한 토플학습서로서, 일반적 문제 풀이 방식에서 벗어나 문제를 다각도로 접근하는 가운데, “답변을 찾아내는 능력 강화”에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 또한 학습자들이 실제시험과 유사한 환경에서 학습을 할 수 있도록 Test Program을 제공하여 학습자들이 실제 시험에 보다 더 완벽하게 대비할 수 있도록 하고 있다. 책 끝에는 실전문제 2회분이 제공되어 있으며, 모든 지문과 질문에 대한 MP3, 한글 해석 등 각종 관련 자료들은 다락원 홈페이지(darakwon.co.kr)를 통해 무료로 제공받을 수 있다


저자 : Shane Spivey University of South Florida 사회학 학사. Korean Army Intelligence School 영어 커리큘럼 어드바이저. Hakrim Language Academy 영어 강사. 저자 : Jonathan S. McClelland University of South Carolina 영어학 학사. Daewon Foreign Language High School 영어 강사. Korean Army Intelligence School 영어 커리큘럼 개발자. TOEFL, TOEIC, TEPS 전문 저자.


Introduction How Is This Book Different? How to Use This Book Part A Understanding Writing Question Types Introduction 1 Independent Speaking Introduction 2 Integrated Speaking (1) Introduction 3 Integrated Speaking (2) Introduction 3 Test Overview and Rubrics Part B Building Knowledge & Skills for the Speaking Chapter 1 Independent Speaking Task 1 The Most Important Qualities of a Friend Task 2 Children Should Receive Money for Chores Integrated Speaking (1) Task 3 Library to Reduce Book Collection Task 4 Statistics: Sampling Bias Integrated Speaking (2) Task 5 Finishing an Essay on Time Task 6 Plant Biology: Trees Shedding Leaves Chapter 2 Independent Speaking Task 1 How You Would Suggest That a Friend Spend Money Task 2 Reading Newspapers vs. Watching Television Integrated Speaking (1) Task 3 University Housing Policy Change Task 4 Business: Promotions Integrated Speaking (2) Task 5 Replacing a Speaker for a Club Meeting Task 6 Animal Science: Display Behavior Chapter 3 Independent Speaking Task 1 Favorite Personal Possession Task 2 Taking Notes in Class vs. Concentrating on the Lectures Integrated Speaking (1) Task 3 Loaning Laptops to Students Task 4 Education: Teaching Students to Follow the Rules Integrated Speaking (2) Task 5 Getting a Job after Graduation Task 6 History: The American Industrial Revolution Chapter 4 Independent Speaking Task 1 An Activity You Would Like to Do in the Future Task 2 Educational Programs vs. Entertainment Programs Integrated Speaking (1) Task 3 Adding Kitchens to Dorms Task 4 Ecology: Controlled Burning Integrated Speaking (2) Task 5 Broken Radio Transmitter Task 6 Human Biology: Different Types of Tears Chapter 5 Independent Speaking Task 1 Your Favorite Part of the City of You Live In Task 2 Spending Vacations at Home vs. Traveling Integrated Speaking (1) Task 3 Change in the Fall Semester Schedule Task 4 Animal Science: Echolocation Integrated Speaking (2) Task 5 Finding a New Apartment Task 6 Business: Ineffective Logos Chapter 6 Independent Speaking Task 1 The Happiest Moment of Your Life Task 2 Store-Bought Present vs. Homemade Present Integrated Speaking (1) Task 3 Moving Student Orientation Task 4 Sociology: Sibling Rivalry Integrated Speaking (2) Task 5 Studying for a Physics Midterm Task 6 Animal Science: Earthworms Help Plant Growth Chapter 7 Independent Speaking Task 1 Favorite Place to Study Task 2 Students Should Have Part-Time Job Experience Integrated Speaking (1) Task 3 Fitness Center Renovation Task 4 Business: Giving Samples Integrated Speaking (2) Task 5 Rude Roommate Task 6 Plant Biology: Root Adaptations Chapter 8 Independent Speaking Task 1 Advice for a Child Starting School Task 2 Same Weather vs. Changing Weather Integrated Speaking (1) Task 3 Spring Concert Series Task 4 Psychology: Mental Accounting Integrated Speaking (2) Task 5 Planning a Picnic Task 6 Animal Science: Electric Fish Part C Experiencing the TOEFL iBT Actual Tests Actual Test 1 Independent Speaking Integrated Speaking (1) Integrated Speaking (2) Actual Test 2 Independent Speaking Integrated Speaking (1) Integrated Speaking (2)

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