
How to Read and Write Social Studies 01 - 영어로 읽고 쓰는 교과서 사회 (커버이미지)
How to Read and Write Social Studies 01 - 영어로 읽고 쓰는 교과서 사회
  • 평점평점점평가없음
  • 저자Peter Lee 
  • 출판사"푸른나무" 
  • 출판일2009-06-23 
보유 5, 대출 0, 예약 0, 누적대출 0, 누적예약 0


 Ⅰ. Regions and Societies 01 A Regions Geographical Environment 1. Exploring Region 2. Maps 3. Natural and Human Environment of a Region 4. Natural Environment and Lifestyles of Residents 02 Changes and Developments in Local Communities 1. Changes in Local Communities 2. Cultural Properties of Local Communities 03 Function and Structure of Local Communities 1. Important Agencies of Local Communities 2. Life of Residents and Various Agencies in Local Communities 04 Problems of Local Communities and its Solution 1. Problems of Local Communities 2. Efforts by Residents to Solve Local ProblemsⅡ. Life in the Central Region of Korea 01 The Center of the Korean Peninsula 1. Central Location 2. High in the East and Low in the West 3. Climate Differences between East and West 02 Seoul Metropolitan Area, Concentrated with Peple and Industries 1. Concentration of Population and the Development of Commercial Agriculture 2. Largest Manufacturing Areas in Korea 3. Problems in Metropolitan Areas 03 Abundant Resources in Gangwon-do 1. Primary Industries 2. Abundant Resources 04 Chungcheong Province 1. Growing Area around Daejeon 2. Preserving and Developing Abundant Resources for TourismⅢ. The Southern Region of Korea 01 Gateway to the Ocean 1. Trading Harbor and Industrial Complexes 2. Largest Region for Agriculture and Marine Products 3. Warm Climate and Plentiful Precipitation 02 Honam Region 1. Largest Agricultural Area 2. New Coastal Industrial Complexes 3. Marine Product Industries in the Southwestern Coastal Region 03 Yeongnam, the Largest Heavy and Chemical Industrial Area in Korea 1. Agriculture in the Nakdong River Basin 2. Aqua Farming and Marine Products Industries 3. The Largest Heavy and Chemical Industrial Complexes in Korea 4. Tourism in Jeju-doⅣ. The Northern Region of Korea 01 Gateway to the Continent 1. Connecting to China and Russia 2. High Mountain Ranges and Continental Weather 02 Gwanseo, the Center of the Northern Region 1. Pyongyang, the Capital of North Korea 2. Food Situation in North Korea 3. Failing Industries 03 Gwanbuk Region 1. Abundant Resources and Heavy and Chemical Industries 2. Open-Door Policy and International RelationsⅤ. Asis and Africa 01 East Asia 1. Natural Environment and Culture 2. The Great Economic Power of Japan and Growing China 02 Southeast Asia and South Asia 1. Ⅴ_02_Natural Environment 2. Variety of Culture 3. Agriculture 4. Abundant Resources and Industries 03 Southwest Asia and North Africa 1. Dry Climate and Desert 2. Conflict between Nations and Religions 3. Oasis Agriculture 4. Black Gold, Petroleum 04 South and Central Africa 1. Ⅴ_04_Natural Environment 2. Ⅴ_04_History and Culture 3. Ⅴ_04_Resources and IndustriesⅥ. Europe 01 Northwestern Europe 1. The Natural Environment 2. Historical and Cultural Background 3. Ⅵ_01_Industries 4. Cities and Population Problems 02 Southern Europe 1. Ⅵ_02_Natural Environment 2. Ⅵ_02_History and Culture 3. Ⅵ_02_Resources and Industries 03 Eastern Europe and Russia 1. Ⅵ_03_Natural Environment 2. Ⅵ_03_History and Culture 3. Ⅵ_03_Resources and IndustriesⅦ. Americas, Oceania, and the Polar Regions 01 Anglo-America 1. Ⅶ_01_Natural Environment 2. Ⅶ_01_History and Culture 3. Ⅶ_01_Industries 4. Social Problems 02 Latin America 1. Ⅶ_02_Natural Environment 2. Ⅶ_02_History and Culture 3. Ⅶ_02_Resources and Industries 4. Problems 03 Oceania 1. Ⅶ_03_Natural Environment 2. History and Industries 3. Resources 04 The Polar Regions


Ⅰ. Regions and Societies 01 A Regions Geographical Environment 1. Exploring Region 2. Maps 3. Natural and Human Environment of a Region 4. Natural Environment and Lifestyles of Residents 02 Changes and Developments in Local Communities 1. Changes in Local Communities 2. Cultural Properties of Local Communities 03 Function and Structure of Local Communities 1. Important Agencies of Local Communities 2. Life of Residents and Various Agencies in Local Communities 04 Problems of Local Communities and its Solution 1. Problems of Local Communities 2. Efforts by Residents to Solve Local ProblemsⅡ. Life in the Central Region of Korea 01 The Center of the Korean Peninsula 1. Central Location 2. High in the East and Low in the West 3. Climate Differences between East and West 02 Seoul Metropolitan Area, Concentrated with Peple and Industries 1. Concentration of Population and the Development of Commercial Agriculture 2. Largest Manufacturing Areas in Korea 3. Problems in Metropolitan Areas 03 Abundant Resources in Gangwon-do 1. Primary Industries 2. Abundant Resources 04 Chungcheong Province 1. Growing Area around Daejeon 2. Preserving and Developing Abundant Resources for TourismⅢ. The Southern Region of Korea 01 Gateway to the Ocean 1. Trading Harbor and Industrial Complexes 2. Largest Region for Agriculture and Marine Products 3. Warm Climate and Plentiful Precipitation 02 Honam Region 1. Largest Agricultural Area 2. New Coastal Industrial Complexes 3. Marine Product Industries in the Southwestern Coastal Region 03 Yeongnam, the Largest Heavy and Chemical Industrial Area in Korea 1. Agriculture in the Nakdong River Basin 2. Aqua Farming and Marine Products Industries 3. The Largest Heavy and Chemical Industrial Complexes in Korea 4. Tourism in Jeju-doⅣ. The Northern Region of Korea 01 Gateway to the Continent 1. Connecting to China and Russia 2. High Mountain Ranges and Continental Weather 02 Gwanseo, the Center of the Northern Region 1. Pyongyang, the Capital of North Korea 2. Food Situation in North Korea 3. Failing Industries 03 Gwanbuk Region 1. Abundant Resources and Heavy and Chemical Industries 2. Open-Door Policy and International RelationsⅤ. Asis and Africa 01 East Asia 1. Natural Environment and Culture 2. The Great Economic Power of Japan and Growing China 02 Southeast Asia and South Asia 1. Ⅴ_02_Natural Environment 2. Variety of Culture 3. Agriculture 4. Abundant Resources and Industries 03 Southwest Asia and North Africa 1. Dry Climate and Desert 2. Conflict between Nations and Religions 3. Oasis Agriculture 4. Black Gold, Petroleum 04 South and Central Africa 1. Ⅴ_04_Natural Environment 2. Ⅴ_04_History and Culture 3. Ⅴ_04_Resources and IndustriesⅥ. Europe 01 Northwestern Europe 1. The Natural Environment 2. Historical and Cultural Background 3. Ⅵ_01_Industries 4. Cities and Population Problems 02 Southern Europe 1. Ⅵ_02_Natural Environment 2. Ⅵ_02_History and Culture 3. Ⅵ_02_Resources and Industries 03 Eastern Europe and Russia 1. Ⅵ_03_Natural Environment 2. Ⅵ_03_History and Culture 3. Ⅵ_03_Resources and IndustriesⅦ. Americas, Oceania, and the Polar Regions 01 Anglo-America 1. Ⅶ_01_Natural Environment 2. Ⅶ_01_History and Culture 3. Ⅶ_01_Industries 4. Social Problems 02 Latin America 1. Ⅶ_02_Natural Environment 2. Ⅶ_02_History and Culture 3. Ⅶ_02_Resources and Industries 4. Problems 03 Oceania 1. Ⅶ_03_Natural Environment 2. History and Industries 3. Resources 04 The Polar Regions

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