
뤼팽의 모험 : 중학교 영어로 다시 읽는 세계명작 New collection 21 (커버이미지)
뤼팽의 모험 : 중학교 영어로 다시 읽는 세계명작 New collection 21
  • 평점평점점평가없음
  • 저자모리스 르블랑 
  • 출판사"넥서스" 
  • 출판일2013-12-16 
보유 5, 대출 0, 예약 0, 누적대출 0, 누적예약 0


 Chapter 01 The Millionaire’s DaughterChapter 02 The Coming of the CharolaisChapter 03 Lupin’s WayChapter 04 The Duke IntervenesChapter 05 A Letter from LupinChapter 06 Again the CharolaisChapter 07 The Theft of the MotorcarsChapter 08 The Duke ArrivesChapter 09 Detective Formery Opens the InquiryChapter 10 Guerchard AssistsChapter 11 The Family ArrivesChapter 12 The Theft of the PendantChapter 13 Lupin WiresChapter 14 Guerchard Picks Up the True ScentChapter 15 The Examination of SoniaChapter 16 Mrs. Victoire’s MistakeChapter 17 Sonia’s EscapeChapter 18 The Duke StaysChapter 19 The Duke GoesChapter 20 Lupin Comes HomeChapter 21 The Cutting of the Telephone WiresChapter 22 The BargainChapter 23 The End of the Duel


1864년 11월 11일 (프랑스) - 1941년 11월 6일 프랑스의 추리소설가. 저서 : 《괴도신사 아르센 뤼팽》외 다수


Chapter 01 The Millionaire’s DaughterChapter 02 The Coming of the CharolaisChapter 03 Lupin’s WayChapter 04 The Duke IntervenesChapter 05 A Letter from LupinChapter 06 Again the CharolaisChapter 07 The Theft of the MotorcarsChapter 08 The Duke ArrivesChapter 09 Detective Formery Opens the InquiryChapter 10 Guerchard AssistsChapter 11 The Family ArrivesChapter 12 The Theft of the PendantChapter 13 Lupin WiresChapter 14 Guerchard Picks Up the True ScentChapter 15 The Examination of SoniaChapter 16 Mrs. Victoire’s MistakeChapter 17 Sonia’s EscapeChapter 18 The Duke StaysChapter 19 The Duke GoesChapter 20 Lupin Comes HomeChapter 21 The Cutting of the Telephone WiresChapter 22 The BargainChapter 23 The End of the Duel

한줄 서평