
How to Read and Write Social Studies 02 - 영어로 읽고 쓰는 교과서 사회 (커버이미지)
How to Read and Write Social Studies 02 - 영어로 읽고 쓰는 교과서 사회
  • 평점평점점평가없음
  • 저자Peter Lee 
  • 출판사"푸른나무" 
  • 출판일2009-06-23 
보유 5, 대출 0, 예약 0, 누적대출 0, 누적예약 0


 I. Modern Society and Citizens of Democracy 01 Social Change and Formation of Modern Civil Society 02 Issues in Modern Society and Qualities and RoIes of Democratic CitizensII. Individual and Society 01 SociaI Growth of Human Beings 1. Socialization and Identity 2. Characteristics of Teenagers 02 Human Life in a Society 1. Social Organizations 2. Social Inequality 03 Human Beings and CuItureIII. Social Life and Law 01 RuIe of Laws and Justice 1. Constitutionalism 2. Necessity of Law and Resolution of Legal Conflicts 02 Social Life and Law 1. Types of Laws 2. Function of Judicature 3. Judicial Process 03 Riahts of CitizensIV. Democratic Government and Civil Participation 01 The Role of Citizens in the Development of Democracy 1. The Basic Principles and Ideology of Democracy 2. Rights and Roles of Citizens 02 Basic Policies and Functions of Democratic Government 1. Democracy in Everyday Life 2. Basic System of Democratic Government 3 . Administrative Branch 03 Politics and Civil Participation 1. Social Life and Conflict of Interests 2. Participation in Political Process 04 Issues in South Koreas Democratic GovernmentV. Democratic Citizenship and Economic Life 01 Rational Solutions to Economic Problems 1. Economy and Economic Problems 2. Economic Choices - Minimum Cost and Maximum Effect 02 Process of Change in the Economic system 1. Differentiation of Social Classes and the Appearance of the Market Economy 2. Development of Industry 3. Characteristics of the Market Economy 03 Economic RoIe of CitizensVI. Market Economy 01 The Subjects of the Market Economy 1. People and Corporations 2. The State 02 Price Changes and Decisions 03 Problems of the Market Economy 1. Unfair Trade 2. Inflation, Deflation, and DepressionVII. Dealing with Changes in Modern Society 01 Characteristics of Changes in Modern Society 1. Mutual Dependency at the Global Level 2. Side-Effects of Social Changes 02 Factors of Changes in Modern Society 03 Changes and Developments in Korean Society 04 Social Issues in Modern SocietyVIII. Development of Resources and Manufacturing 01 Resources 02 Distribution and Movement of Resources 03 Resource Use and Problems 04 Development of Manufacturing and Formation of Manufacturing AreasIX. Population Increase and Urban Development 01 Trends in Population Growth 02 Distribution and Density of Population 03 Migration 04 Settlement 05 UrbanizationX. Global Society 01 Global Society


I. Modern Society and Citizens of Democracy 01 Social Change and Formation of Modern Civil Society 02 Issues in Modern Society and Qualities and RoIes of Democratic CitizensII. Individual and Society 01 SociaI Growth of Human Beings 1. Socialization and Identity 2. Characteristics of Teenagers 02 Human Life in a Society 1. Social Organizations 2. Social Inequality 03 Human Beings and CuItureIII. Social Life and Law 01 RuIe of Laws and Justice 1. Constitutionalism 2. Necessity of Law and Resolution of Legal Conflicts 02 Social Life and Law 1. Types of Laws 2. Function of Judicature 3. Judicial Process 03 Riahts of CitizensIV. Democratic Government and Civil Participation 01 The Role of Citizens in the Development of Democracy 1. The Basic Principles and Ideology of Democracy 2. Rights and Roles of Citizens 02 Basic Policies and Functions of Democratic Government 1. Democracy in Everyday Life 2. Basic System of Democratic Government 3 . Administrative Branch 03 Politics and Civil Participation 1. Social Life and Conflict of Interests 2. Participation in Political Process 04 Issues in South Koreas Democratic GovernmentV. Democratic Citizenship and Economic Life 01 Rational Solutions to Economic Problems 1. Economy and Economic Problems 2. Economic Choices - Minimum Cost and Maximum Effect 02 Process of Change in the Economic system 1. Differentiation of Social Classes and the Appearance of the Market Economy 2. Development of Industry 3. Characteristics of the Market Economy 03 Economic RoIe of CitizensVI. Market Economy 01 The Subjects of the Market Economy 1. People and Corporations 2. The State 02 Price Changes and Decisions 03 Problems of the Market Economy 1. Unfair Trade 2. Inflation, Deflation, and DepressionVII. Dealing with Changes in Modern Society 01 Characteristics of Changes in Modern Society 1. Mutual Dependency at the Global Level 2. Side-Effects of Social Changes 02 Factors of Changes in Modern Society 03 Changes and Developments in Korean Society 04 Social Issues in Modern SocietyVIII. Development of Resources and Manufacturing 01 Resources 02 Distribution and Movement of Resources 03 Resource Use and Problems 04 Development of Manufacturing and Formation of Manufacturing AreasIX. Population Increase and Urban Development 01 Trends in Population Growth 02 Distribution and Density of Population 03 Migration 04 Settlement 05 UrbanizationX. Global Society 01 Global Society

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