
하이디 : 중학교 영어로 다시 읽는 세계명작 New collection 19 (커버이미지)
하이디 : 중학교 영어로 다시 읽는 세계명작 New collection 19
  • 평점평점점평가없음
  • 저자요한나 슈피리 
  • 출판사"넥서스" 
  • 출판일2013-12-16 
보유 5, 대출 0, 예약 0, 누적대출 0, 누적예약 0


 Chapter 01 Up the Mountain to Alm-UncleChapter 02 At Home wich GrandfatherChapter 03 Out with the GoatsChapter 04 The Visit to GrandmotherChapter 05 Two VisitsChapter 06 A New Chapter about New ThingsChapter 07 Miss Rottenmeier Spends an Uncomfortable DayChapter 08 The Great CommotionChapter 09 Mr. Sesemann Hears of Things that Are New to HimChapter 10 Another GrandmotherChapter 11 Heidi Gains in One Way and Loses in AnotherChapter 12 A Ghost in the HouseChapter 13 A Summer Evening on the MountainChapter 14 Sunday BellsChapter 15 Preparations for a JourneyChapter 16 A VisitorChapter 17 A CompensationChapter 18 The Winter in DorfliChapter 19 The Winter ContinuesChapter 20 News from Distant FriendsChapter 21 How Life Goes on at Grandfather’sChapter 22 Something Unexpected HappensChapter 23 “Good-bye till We Meet Again”


Chapter 01 Up the Mountain to Alm-UncleChapter 02 At Home wich GrandfatherChapter 03 Out with the GoatsChapter 04 The Visit to GrandmotherChapter 05 Two VisitsChapter 06 A New Chapter about New ThingsChapter 07 Miss Rottenmeier Spends an Uncomfortable DayChapter 08 The Great CommotionChapter 09 Mr. Sesemann Hears of Things that Are New to HimChapter 10 Another GrandmotherChapter 11 Heidi Gains in One Way and Loses in AnotherChapter 12 A Ghost in the HouseChapter 13 A Summer Evening on the MountainChapter 14 Sunday BellsChapter 15 Preparations for a JourneyChapter 16 A VisitorChapter 17 A CompensationChapter 18 The Winter in DorfliChapter 19 The Winter ContinuesChapter 20 News from Distant FriendsChapter 21 How Life Goes on at Grandfather’sChapter 22 Something Unexpected HappensChapter 23 “Good-bye till We Meet Again”

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