
신약 : 중학교 영어로 다시 읽는 세계명작 New collection 24 (커버이미지)
신약 : 중학교 영어로 다시 읽는 세계명작 New collection 24
  • 평점평점점평가없음
  • 저자넥서스콘텐츠개발팀 
  • 출판사"넥서스" 
  • 출판일2013-12-16 
보유 5, 대출 0, 예약 0, 누적대출 0, 누적예약 0


 Chapter 01 The Advent of the AngelsChapter 03 The Flight into EgyptChapter 05 The Young CarpenterChapter 07 Jesus in the DesertChapter 09 The First MiracleChapter 11 A Talk about the Breath of GodChapter 13 Jesus in the SynagogueChapter 15 The Healing Hand of JesusChapter 17 Friends of JesusChapter 19 Mary MagdaleneChapter 21 Stilling the StormChapter 23 Two by TwoChapter 25 A Journey with JesusChapter 27 “And We Behold His Glory” A Father’s FaithChapter 29 At the House of Martha The Good ShepherdChapter 31 The Voice That Waked the Dead The Children of the KingdomChapter 33 The Last Journey to JerusalemChapter 35 The Children in the TempleChapter 37 The Last Words in the TempleChapter 39 The Holy SupperChapter 41 Despised and Rejected by MenChapter 43 Love and DeathChapter 45 The Evening of EasterChapter 47 “He Ascended into Heaven”


Chapter 01 The Advent of the AngelsChapter 03 The Flight into EgyptChapter 05 The Young CarpenterChapter 07 Jesus in the DesertChapter 09 The First MiracleChapter 11 A Talk about the Breath of GodChapter 13 Jesus in the SynagogueChapter 15 The Healing Hand of JesusChapter 17 Friends of JesusChapter 19 Mary MagdaleneChapter 21 Stilling the StormChapter 23 Two by TwoChapter 25 A Journey with JesusChapter 27 “And We Behold His Glory” A Father’s FaithChapter 29 At the House of Martha The Good ShepherdChapter 31 The Voice That Waked the Dead The Children of the KingdomChapter 33 The Last Journey to JerusalemChapter 35 The Children in the TempleChapter 37 The Last Words in the TempleChapter 39 The Holy SupperChapter 41 Despised and Rejected by MenChapter 43 Love and DeathChapter 45 The Evening of EasterChapter 47 “He Ascended into Heaven”

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